Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do Teeth Bleaching With Baking Soda

Why try expensive dental bleaching procedures or synthetic home bleaching kits when you haven't even tried the basics? Sometimes, a simple routine of regular brushing with baking soda is enough to really make your teeth look fantastic.


Baking Soda alone

1. Rinse off your toothbrush making sure to remove any food particles and toothpaste residue.

2. Shake the excess water out of the bristles.

3. Dip the brush in baking soda.

4. Brush your teeth, starting with the front ones. Use both an up-down and a side to side motion to really get a deep clean.Be sure to brush them both up and down and side to side. go from the gum line all the way to the bottom of your teeth.

5. Brush the backs and sides of your teeth in the same manner.

6. Rinse thoroughly with water or mouthwash.

Baking Soda Toothpaste

7. Max one part salt together with 3 parts baking soda.

8. Add mint oil, eucalyptus oil, or any other essential oil you want. Although this isn't really necessary, it can give the toothpaste a nice, fresh flavor and freshen your breath as well.

9. Stir in glycerin until all the powder is coated with it.

10. Mix in water to thin the mixture. The texture should be about that of normal toothpaste.

11. Store the mixture in a film cannister, Tupperware, or other small container.

12. Use the toothpaste every time you need to brush.

Tags: your teeth, side side, with water