Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dental Cold Laser Treatment

Two other common names for cold lasers are soft lasers and biostimulatory lasers. Cold lasers stimulate cells by increasing the transference of photon energy into the cells. This causes the cells to reproduce faster, using the increased availability of energy. In short, the tissue regenerates faster, leading to decreased healing time. This effect is true for all cells--nerve, bone and soft tissue.

Cold Laser Light

Cold lasers are unlike the lasers that doctors use to precisely cut tissue. Cold lasers have a low power level. They are called "cold" because of the wavelength, which is in the red section of the electromagnetic spectrum. Cold lasers are polarized, which means that they can focus their energy on a very specific spot.

Temporomandibular Joint Pain

TMJ pain is common and is often caused by an improper bite (the teeth are out of alignment). Cold lasers can help with the pain and discomfort caused by this condition--although it cannot cure the condition itself. Cold lasers work by promoting tissue repair, stimulating nerve function, improving blood circulation, and relieving both chronic and acute pain. Specifically, cold lasers speed up the healing process by increasing serotonin levels.


Cold lasers can also be used to increase orthodontic movement. Cold lasers accelerate the process of realigning teeth. Specifically, it realigns teeth by reshaping bones and gum tissue, and it speeds up cell division to develop new, healthy tissue. This is not a stand-alone procedure however; the laser therapy is used in conjunction with either Invisalign or conventional braces.

General Dentistry

Because cold lasers accelerate cell division and speed up the healing process, they can be used with any oral surgical procedure to decrease recovery time. They can also be used with dental implants to increase the rate at which the implants integrate into the bone.


Cold lasers do not damage cells. They have no heating effect. The FDA has approved the use of cold lasers for various treatments, and they have been used safely in the United States for over 10 years (and internationally for over 30 years). There are no known side effects of cold laser therapy.

Tags: Cold lasers, also used, cell division, Cold Laser, Cold lasers