Monday, July 26, 2010

The Effects Of Color On Emotions

Color affects emotion and mood. In the same way a sunny day feels far more cheerful than a cloudy one, the colors around you influence your experience.


Color is Individual

Color's effect on emotions varies from person to person, because we perceive color differently and because part of our reaction to color is learned. Still, there are some generalities about color and emotions that apply broadly.

Red and Pink

Red is stimulating. Exposure to red increases attention to detail, but it may also increase stress and anger. Pink is considered more calming than red.

Orange and Yellow

Lighter tints of orange and yellow evoke cheerfulness and joy. More saturated yellows may cause irritation.

Blue and Green

Blue is often associated with openness, peace and tranquility. It is relaxing, and it boosts creativity. Green may also soothe or calm, though not as profoundly as blue.


Earth colors like brown are associated with feelings of stability and security.

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