Thursday, August 15, 2013

Uses Of Chalcopyrite Crystals

Crystals like chalcopyrite and the one pictured are often used in alternative healing practices.

Chalcopyrite is a common rock, found and harvested in many places around the world, including Peru, Chile and South Africa. The chemical formula of chalcopyrite is CuFeS2, or copper iron disulfide, placing it in the sulfide class of minerals. It has a hardness rating of 3.5 to 4, and its natural color is a brassy yellow (though other colors may be seen when the rock is acid washed).


Chalcopyrite is often used in meditation sessions, in order to enhance perceptive abilities and strengthen the connection of the meditator to the universe. It is intended to be a bridge between the physical universe and others. Though it is connected with all chakras, it is especially helpful in opening the Crown Chakra, which is violet in color and located at the top of the head. Because of this, chalcopyrite is used to help one attain and maintain a meditative state.

Healing Sessions

Chalcopyrite is often used in crystal healing sessions to relieve brain disorders, tumors and bronchitis. It is used to relieve fevers and lung problems. It is also used to stimulate growth and repair of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and to reduce unwanted inflammation.

A Warning

The concept of crystal healing is derived from the piezoelectric effect of many crystals, which means that they have the ability to conduct and harness electricity. This fact mutated to become a belief in the power of crystals to conduct and harness invisible energy from the universe. Many of the healing properties attributed to chalcopyrite by crystal healers and so-called shamans have not been corroborated by hard scientific evidence. Crystals should not be the only cure attempted for tumors, bronchitis or any kind of lung disorder.

Tags: often used, Chalcopyrite often, Chalcopyrite often used, conduct harness, crystal healing, tumors bronchitis