Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Use The Drug Flexeril

Flexeril, or cyclobenzaprine, is a drug commonly used to treat strained or spasming muscles. The medication works by blocking the nerve's impulse to send a message to the brain that the body is in pain. Flexeril can be used alone for certain medical conditions. However, it is most often used in combination with physical therapy and rest because it takes those things to return muscle tissue back to good working condition. Flexeril can also be used as a treatment for restless leg syndrome.


1. Make a doctor's appointment to ascertain whether Flexeril might be the answer for your medical issue. Choose a physician who is familiar with your medical history or one who specializes in skeletal muscle conditions.

2. Study the drug's liabilities. Flexeril is rarely advised for individuals who have suffered a recent heart attack. It may also be contraindicated in patients with heart arrhythmia, blockage or congestive heart failure. Additionally, the drug is ill-advised for by those suffering from an enlarged prostate, glaucoma, liver disease, overactive thyroid or urination problems. Women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant or nursing should not take Flexeril. It may have a negative effect on a fetus and can be transferred through a mother's milk to a nursing baby.

Flexeril may impair the thinking process or even result in strange muscle reactions such as twitching or tremors. If these side effects occur, it is important to avoid operating heavy or dangerous equipment.

3. Note the drug's interaction issues. Flexeril is not compatible with MAO inhibitors. In fact, the two drug types interact so violently they cause dangerous, even life-threatening conditions, such as convulsions and inordinately high temperatures. The drug is not recommended for those already taking barbiturates, benzodiazepines or narcotics because it could amplify the effects of those drugs. Do not drink alcohol while taking Flexeril.

4. Study the drug's typical side effects. These may include constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea or fatigue. These should be expected and are of no serious concern unless they persist or worsen.

5. Look for other less typical side effects of the medication. These may include fainting or vomiting. If these symptoms occur, consult your physician right away.

Seek immediate medical care if you experience any of these dangerous side effects: blurred vision, jaundice, persistent vomiting or trouble breathing.

6. Report immediately to an emergency room if you have any of these allergic reactions: closed airway passages, loss of consciousness, sudden rash or swelling.

7. Take the dosage prescribed. Flexeril standardly comes in 10 mg pill form. For muscle pain, the drug may be prescribed up to three times per day. For restless leg syndrome, a single dose at bedtime is usually recommended. The medication can be taken alone or with food.

If you miss one of your daily doses, you can still take it within 1 hour of the normal dosage time. After an hour, however, wait until the next dosage time. Nighttime Flexeril can be taken anytime during the night.

If an overdose is suspected, contact the local poison control center or the national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

8. Store the medication at room temperature. It should be kept away from heat, cold, light and moisture.

Tags: side effects, dosage time, restless syndrome, Study drug, These include