Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cure For Cerebral Palsy

About 800,000 Americans exhibit symptoms of cerebral palsy, the majority of whom have the disease at birth, although it may not be evident until months later, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Scientists are working towards finding a cure for cerebral palsy. Until then, there are treatments to help those with cerebral palsy enjoy a better quality of life.


Cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal brain functions, because of irreversible injuries to the brain, which, in turn, affect a person's posture, coordination and the ability to control body movements. The condition is developed in fetuses, newborns and children, and the condition does not improve or get worse over time. The severity of symptoms vary by individual and may include: walking with one leg dragging behind, or on the toes, spastic muscle movements, involuntary shaking, lack of coordination and an inability to speak and swallow properly

A Cure

Medical advances have been made in learning prevent the brain damage that can lead to cerebral palsy and identifying problems in newborns and fetuses Scientists are continuing to study ways to repair the damaged brain that causes cerebral palsy, including stem cell research. Stem cells have the possibility to repair damaged brain cells, hence curing cerebral palsy However,until a cure is discovered, there are a variety of treatments to relieve the symptoms of cerebral palsy.


Although cerebral palsy disrupts motor skills, people who have the condition are not considered to be disabled. When treatment is started early enough, many individuals with cerebral palsy are able to function on their own.

Physical therapy is one of the most important forms of treatment for cerebral palsy, as it helps a patient learn to improve his walk, coordination and muscle usage. Physical deformities also can be prevented through physical therapy. If a deformity is too far advanced to be treated with physical therapy, surgery will be required.

Speech therapy is designed to help a patient learn to swallow and speak properly.

Through occupational therapy, a person with cerebral palsy can learn do dress herself and perform other daily activities. For locomotion, she may use a brace to help her walk or a wheelchair if her limbs are not functional..

Medications might be administered to help control accompanying ailments, such as seizures and to relieve pain.

Professional counseling can help someone with cerebral palsy deal with the emotions and challenges involved with having the condition.

Tags: cerebral palsy, with cerebral, with cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy, damaged brain