Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Use A Camphor Plant For

Camphor plant has been used in incense for its fragrance.

The camphor plant is a type of evergreen tree with useful oils within the wood. Initially, the wood oils were used for incense in East Asian cultures, states Herbs 2000.


The camphor plant usages include treatment of upper respiratory tract ailments (such as coughs), improving capillary circulation and raising blood pressure, according to Herbal Safety.


Along with its medicinal qualities, the camphor plant proves extremely versatile. It has contributed to making useful products, such as insecticides, perfumes and paint solvents.


Rubbing camphor plant oil onto physically painful parts of the body, such as joints or sprains, has proved successful in providing relief. Treating the affected area directly, as opposed to ingesting a pain pill, gives the user a choice in medical care.

Fun Fact

Manufacturers of sailor's chests use camphor tree wood, due to its resistance to salty air and water. The natural oils within the wood also repels moths, according to Herbs 2000.


Teas have been made with the camphor plant, but it is not recommended because the therapeutic dose is too close to the toxic dose, states Herbal Safety.

Tags: camphor plant, Herbal Safety, Herbs 2000, oils within, oils within wood, used incense, within wood