Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Treat Breathing Problems With Natural Remedies

Asthma, wheezing, difficultly catching your breath all of these are symptoms of breathing problems. Natural remedies can significantly reduce or eliminate breathing problems by treating the cause of the problem, rather than masking it with medications.


1. Improving Indoor Air Quality as a Natural Remedy

A not so well-known fact is that synthetic fragrances and cleaning products contribute to poor indoor air quality. There are other things that can contribute to poor indoor air quality such as paints, and chemicals, but these things are not used as frequently.

Anyone suffering from recurring breathing problems should be very careful about the cleaning products they use. Commercial cleaners, especially those which specify they are to be used in a well ventilated area significantly impact your breathing. Furthermore, they are unnecessary. You can clean you home just as effectively, without contributing to indoor air pollution with natural cleaners such as vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice. As an added incentive, they are cheaper also.

Synthetic fragrances are found in perfumes, soaps, shampoos, detergents and air fresheners. Perfumes and air fresheners should not be used around babies, small children, or people with breathing problems. Choosing unscented soaps, detergents and shampoos will also help you breath easier.

2. Fluids as a Natural Remedy

Increase the amount of water you drink. Hot herbal teas can be very helpful for reducing the symptoms of chronic breathing problems also.

3. Herbs as Natural Remedies

Try the following herbs for treating breathing difficulties:

Echinacea - Boosting immunity

Goldenseal - Reducing mucous

Lobelia - Mucous expectorant

Tags: breathing problems, breathing problems, cleaning products, contribute poor, contribute poor indoor, indoor quality, Natural Remedy