Friday, January 11, 2013

Holistic Treatment Of Shingles

A picture of a chicken with chicks

Shingles is an adult form of chicken pox. The virus occurs in adulthood because small traces of chicken pox remaining dormant in the body. Some common symptoms including the body rash are headaches, upset stomach, chills and flu like symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is great for shingles. Use it to help with the pain that comes along with this virus. Apply directed to the infected area. Let it sit until dry. Use as needed.

Vitamin C

Eating high doses of vitamin C can decrease your chances of an initial shingles flare up, and strengthen your immune system to help prevent repeated break outs.

Aloe and Cayenne Pepper

A picture of a red pepper

Use aloe vera from the plant. Squeeze out sap and mix it with a small amount of pepper and apply swiftly to the skin for pain relief.

Yoga and Meditation

A picture of a person doing yoga

Yoga and meditation are commonly used to promote healing and aid in pain control. Learning and applying easy techniques can go a long way to sustain natural health.

Juice Therapy

A glass of green juice

Using a power juicer, juice a couple bunches of spinach leaves, two stalks of celery, beets and an apple.
