Monday, December 2, 2013

Cure Callused Feet

Soak your feet to soften hardened skin.

A callus is a thick, hardened layer of skin formed to protect against friction and pressure. A callus is usually seen on the toes, hands, fingers and feet. Prevent a foot callus by wearing comfortable shoes that will not rub against your feet. If you do get a callus on your foot, however, there are ways to remove it.


1. Use water and a pumice stone on the callused area. Place your foot in warm water for at least five minutes and allow it to soak and soften the hardened callus. Wet the pumice stone and rub it over the callus. Rub for at least two minutes and do this every day to remove the callus.

2. Make a homemade aspirin treatment. Crush five aspirin tablets into powder form. Add 1/2 tsp. of water and 1/2 tsp. of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to the callused area of the foot. Place a plastic bag over the foot and wrap a warm towel over it help the mixture penetrate the tough skin. Allow this to stay on the foot for 10 minutes, then scrub it off with a pumice stone.

3. Use a salicylic acid product on the callused area. The salicylic acid will eventually dissolve the thick layer of skin. You can find over-the-counter salicylic acid products at the drug store. Apply the product according to the manufacturer's instructions.

4. Get the callus removed by your doctor. You may need to do this if you can't remove the callus at home. Your doctor will usually cut off the skin with a scalpel.

Tags: callused area, pumice stone, salicylic acid, layer skin, remove callus, soften hardened, your feet