Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Create Herbal Facial Masks

Parsley has a variety of uses!

Using natural products to help treat acne is a great way to not only cleanse the skin, but also use it to prevent future outbreaks. Many facial masks can be made using herbs or ingredients found in almost every kitchen and are usually easy to make and apply. Using a facial mask at least once a week can help cleanse the skin of impurities and make it more healthy.


Parsley Herb Facial Mask

1. Begin your face cleanse by doing a facial steam. This can get the skin to improve its circulation, as well as get the pores to open up for maximum cleaning. A steam can be done once a week, along with any type of facial that can be used to exfoliate, cleanse or moisturize the face.

2. Fill a large pot with 1/2 gallon of water and bring it to a boil. Once it has started boiling, remove it from the heat and place it somewhere safe that you can lean over the pot at least 6 inches away. Drape a large towel over your head, making sure that the towel also reaches around the pot so that no steam can escape. Steam your face 10 or 15 minutes, or until you no longer want to.

3. Blend 1/4 cup of parsley in a blender once you sit through a facial steam.

4. Apply the blended parsley from the blender to your face, especially on areas more prone to acne and blackheads. The facial steam prior to the mask opened up the pores so that the ingredients from the parsley can work to clean the pores and prevent additional acne outbreaks.

5. Steam your face again with the parsley mask on for increased benefits. Or, leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Exfoliating Oatmeal Herbal Mask

6. Grind the oatmeal into small pieces, but large enough to exfoliate the skin.

7. Mix equal parts of yogurt and oatmeal in order to make a paste. Add dried lavender to the mixture, which is useful with dry skin.

8. Apply the mixture to your face and gently rub it into the skin using a circular motion. Once you are finished, rinse your face with warm water and finish off with cool water.

Skin Smoothing Herbal Mask

9. Use 1/2 cup of plain yogurt and mix into it 2 tablespoons of any herb. For dry skin, try lavender or rose. For oily skin, use sage or rosemary. And, for normal skin, use calendula or lavender.

10. Mix the ingredients well and apply it to the face. Leave the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes.

11. Rinse with a warm cloth, until your face is clean. Then, rinse your face in cool water allowing the skin to feel refreshed.

Tags: your face, facial steam, with warm, cleanse skin, cool water, Herbal Mask, mask minutes