Monday, May 25, 2009

Qualify For Lap Band Surgery

If you have been struggling with weight loss for quite some time you may be wondering what it takes to qualify for lap band surgery. It's never a bad idea to take the time to see if this is a solution that may work for you. Keep reading to see what it takes to qualify for these surgeries that could be life saving in more ways than one.


1. Understand what it means to qualify for lap band surgery. Not everyone is fully aware of what the lap band surgery can mean for them and their lifestyles once the surgery is over. Only those that have a firm grasp on the reality of life after the surgery can really be prepared for the actual surgery.

2. Have a BMI (body mass index) that is greater than 40 or 35 with health problems resulting from obesity. This is not a solution for someone that needs to lose a small amount of weight in order to reach optimal health. This is a potential solution for those who need to lose a significant amount of weight for the sake of their health.

3. Struggle with obesity. This is a major surgery and not really intended for those who can lose the weight on their own but rather for those who have tried time and again without success to lose the weight and failed. You should have faced weight issues for at least five years before you can qualify for lap band surgery.

4. Be committed to making the necessary changes for weight loss success. This is not a decision that should be made on impulse. There are a lot of risks involved with this surgery and it should not be viewed as an easy path to weight loss.

5. Show a positive attitude about the weight loss possibilities that is tempered with realistic expectations and aggressive but achievable goals. The better prepared you are for the weight loss process mentally, the more likely you will be to qualify for lap band surgery.

Tags: weight loss, band surgery, qualify band, qualify band surgery, amount weight, band surgery