Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Identify Mood Ring Colors

Mood rings have been popular for years. Other accessories such as bracelets and necklaces might also claim that they have mood stones, but these are not as reliable as rings. The stone needs to be in direct contact with your skin in order to determine your body temperature. Based upon how cool or warm your finger is, the ring will change color. Your mood can be discerned from the color of the stone since when you are happy or contented, your hand is warmer, but if you are angry or under stress, your hands get colder, and the ring darkens. Consult the guide below for identifying mood ring colors.


1. Place the mood ring on any of your fingers.

2. Wait for at least five minutes for the color to adapt to your hand temperature.

3. Look at the color of the stone and match it closely to one of the following colors: black, gray, amber, green, blue-green, light blue or dark blue.

4. Match the color of your mood ring with a color chart (see Resources section, below) or with the following: black is stressed or angry; gray is nervous; amber is slightly anxious; green is normal; blue-green is relaxed; light blue is relaxed and contented; dark blue is happy and in love.

Tags: color stone, dark blue, light blue, mood ring, your hand