Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lavender Remedy For A Dry Scalp

Lavender oil's healing properties make it useful in treating a dry scalp naturally.

A dry scalp can be itchy, uncomfortable and embarrassing. Harsh detergents in shampoos and conditioners can worsen the very problem they claim to solve. Choose lavender oil for a natural solution to dry scalp irritation.


Commonly known to help ease insomnia, lavender oil also contains many benefits when applied topically to skin. It functions like an antiseptic, safely treating inflammation of the scalp. Lavender oil also treats cuts, burns and eczema, making it useful in treating the pain and irritation associated with having a dry scalp.


Rub two to three drops of lavender oil directly on to the affected area. Not only will lavender oil relieve dryness, it also reduces dandruff. Apply as often as needed, since lavender oil is one of the few essential oils that is safe when undiluted.


Lavender oil is toxic if taken orally. Keep lavender oil away from your eyes and mucous membranes in the mouth and nostrils. Some people are allergic to lavender; test the oil on a hidden part of your body and monitor the area to see if a rash develops. Rashes, nausea, vomiting, headaches and chills are symptoms of an allergic reaction. Do not use lavender oil if any of these symptoms develop.

Tags: useful treating