Friday, April 8, 2011

Benefits Of Air Purifiers On Overall Health

Indoor air pollutants can lead to respiratory problems.

Indoor air quality can be influenced by a number of factors, including pollutants and ventilation. Air purifiers are devices used in offices, homes and other indoor environments to purify or reduce pollutants that are found indoors and are known to have negative effects on health. While there are a range of products available, air purifier effectiveness varies.

Indoor Pollutants

There are many sources of indoor pollutants that can negatively affect your health. These toxic particles or gases may come from cleaning agents, aerosol sprays, insect poisons, products containing pressed wood, and central heating or cooling systems. Poor ventilation increases the levels of indoor pollutants as a result of not enough outside air being brought in to dilute the pollutants. The levels of some pollutants may increase in high temperatures or high humidity. Since many people spend most of their time indoors, the exposure to these toxins tends to be high and can adversely affect overall health and well being.

Air Quality and Health

Exposure to indoor air pollutants may cause dizziness, tiredness, headaches, nausea, skin irritation and symptoms of asthma. Individual sensitivity to air pollutants varies from person to person and depends largely on preexisting health conditions and age. Young children and the elderly are more vulnerable to the effects of air pollutants. Some of the symptoms caused by poor air quality are almost identical to those of viruses and colds, often making it difficult to evaluate whether indoor air pollution is the cause. According to the Air Resources Board, extended exposure to these pollutants may result in heart and respiratory disease or even cancer.

Air Purification

The Environmental Protection Agency states that removing the sources of indoor air pollution and increasing ventilation are the most effective ways to lower exposure to pollutants. It is also suggested that air purifiers in several rooms or a central air filter may be beneficial for more sensitive people. Air cleaners and purifiers range from expensive systems for the entire house to portable products. They range in effectiveness and therefore the overall health benefits depend on the quality of the air purifier. It's essential to maintain air purifiers and air filters to get the maximum health benefits.

An air purifier with a high efficiency particulate air filtration (HEPA) filter can trap small particles and pollutants such as molds, smoke, house dust and pet dander. This can benefit overall health as these pollutants cause asthma as well as eye, nose and throat irritation that can lead to respiratory infections in vulnerable people. While some air cleaners help reduce concentrations of airborne particles such as dust and other allergens, air cleaning may not decrease the negative effects from other indoor air pollutants.


According to the Air Resources Board, some air cleaners can actually be harmful to health. They recommend that any air cleaner that produces ozone should not be used in the home as ozone can result in breathing difficulties and may irritate the respiratory tract.

Tags: indoor pollutants, According Resources, According Resources Board, exposure these, health benefits