Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Identify Good & Bad Plastic Bottles

With all of the plastic containers out there, it is a bit overwhelming to think that some may be good and some may be bad. What makes a bad plastic bottle? Some kinds of plastic leach chemicals into the contents of the container. These chemicals may eventually cause negative health effects. How do you tell the difference between good and bad plastic bottles?


1. Look at the bottom of the bottle to find out which kind of plastic it is. Look for the triangular recycling symbol with a number in the middle. That number indicates what kind of plastic the bottle is made from.

2. #1 -- Used for soda and water bottles. It is meant for one-time use, so don't refill these bottles.

3. #2 -- Milk bottles. This type of bottle is safe.

4. #4 -- Squeezable bottles. This type of plastic is safe.

5. #5 -- Food containers such as yogurt, butter and other condiments. This plastic is safe.

6. #7 -- Unbreakable water bottles. This plastic has been known to leach Bishpenol A (BPA) and should be avoided.

Tags: bottles This, bottles This type, kind plastic, plastic bottle, plastic safe, This plastic, This type