Thursday, April 18, 2013

Minimize Cellulite

Cellulite is not a serious health condition. In fact, it is not a health concern at all. Women who have cellulite, however, may have other concerns. The dimply texture of cellulite on the thighs, hips, and butt is simply not very attractive. Although many women of all ages have cellulite, we still think the condition is taboo. Women who are overweight and women who are thin can have cellulite. No one is safe. While we can see cellulite on women who are overweight easier, it doesn't mean they have more. It is just more visible. While there is really no definite way to get rid of cellulite, there are methods to minimize it and soften it's appearance.


1. Restrict your diet of excess fat. First and foremost, you don't want to add to the cellulite deposits on your body. A balanced diet of lean protein, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits will help to minimize the condition.

2. Exercise your body. The layer of fat that causes the cellulite dimpling lies on top of a layer of muscle. Toning that muscle helps to give the layer of fat something substantial to sit on, which minimizes the appearance of dimples. Start on one side of the room, take a large step and bend your front knee so that your shin is perpendicular to your thigh. This is a lunge. Lunge across the floor and back each day.

3. Tan your body. No, not with the sun, with tanning lotion or spray. The darker tone of tanned skin minimizes the appearance of bumpiness. Have you ever noticed how every figure flaw is so much more noticeable on a person with pale skin?

4. Each night, rub lotion on your cellulite troubled areas. Although the lotion itself will not help, the act of messaging the lotion in will. Messaging, and increasing blood flow to cellulite prone areas temporarily reduces dimpling.

5. Apply a retinoid-based cream on your cellulite. Retinoid has been shown to increase the epidermis layer of facial skin. By increasing this layer of skin, cellulite is reduced.

Tags: have cellulite, your body, minimizes appearance, will help, your cellulite