Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ayurvedic Snoring Cures

Snoring is not a problem that should be brushed aside casually. It can do more harm than simply frustrating your partner or earning you sharp pokes in your back when you are asleep. Unfortunately, it can also cause sleep disorders such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea or Upper Respiratory Resistance Syndrome, which are serious problems. Therefore, it is best to nip the problem in the bud before your snoring gets out of hand.

Practice Pranayam Everyday

Pranayam is a yoga exercise which regulates the flow of air in and out if your body. It comes from two words 'prana' meaning vital energy and 'ayam' meaning exercises. Translated, "Pranayam" literally means exercises for the vital energy of the body. Pranayam is a set of breathing exercises and techniques, which can clean the channels of your body and thus cure the snoring. Ujjayi pranayam, or the hissing breath, is especially effective at removing the blockages in your throat and increasing your lung capacity.

Yoga to the Rescue

According to Ayurvedic, a leading online resource for ayurvedic remedies and research, there is also a possibility to cure snoring with the help of yoga. This low-impact workout is great for people of all ages, as there are some postures that can remove obstructions in your nasal passage, and help you get rid of snoring naturally.

The Simha Garjana asana, also known as the Roaring Lion Pose, is one such remedy for snoring. A qualified yoga instructor can offer guidance and prevent injury. Begin by sitting in the diamond pose. Spread your legs, bringing your thighs almost parallel to the shoulders. Now, place the palms on the floor, between the knees. The wrist should point out and the fingers inwards, towards your body. Lean forward and tilt your head back, and concentrate on the center of your eyebrows. Inhale deeply through the nostrils, stick your tongue out, and as you exhale, make a growling sound. Repeat this pose a couple of times.

Herbal Remedies

There are certain herbal remedies you can make to help you stop snoring. For instance, a tea brewed with basil leaves, Gotukola, Valerian, and green tea is a great herbal remedy. Be sure to have a cup of this tea just before you retire for the day. Those who use it also refer to it as the 'Sleep Well' tea.

Olive oil also has certain properties that can reduce snoring. Have a few drops of olive oil before going to bed. When sleeping, try to lie on your sides, rather than your back. Doing so can reduce the intensity of your snores.

You should also try gargling before going to sleep. Steep a handful of sage in boiling water and once it is cool, use the liquid to gargle. This is a great remedy for reducing snoring. Aromatherapy is also known to be beneficial in this matter, especially using marjoram oil.

Finally, a few changes in your lifestyle can also help you reduce, if not cure, your snoring altogether. Avoid having heavy meals right before sleeping, and foods that are oily and spicy, as they tend to aggravate the problem. Finally, smoking or drinking excessively can also contribute to the problem, so if you can reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke and the amount of alcohol you drink, you may reduce your snoring.

Tags: your body, your snoring, also known, before going, cure snoring, vital energy