Friday, April 10, 2009

Stop Nighttime Eating Binges

Nighttime eating binges can be a nightmare for a person's diet. People that binge at night have a tendency to be overweight and may have difficulty losing weight. Nighttime binge eaters may also suffer problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and heart problems. It is important to stop bad nighttime eating habits.


1. Eat better during the day. If you eat sensible meals throughout the day, then you are less likely to be hungry at night. Typically, five small meals a day has the ability to keep you full.

2. Fill up with water. To stop nighttime binges, drink a lot of water instead. You get the full feeling without the calories.

3. Get rid of any junk food in the home. People that binge eat at night have a tendency to consume snacks that are high in sugar and fat. Avoid stocking your home with any of these unhealthy foods.

4. Write down everything that you eat. Many binge eaters may not realize how much they are really eating. Keep a log of everything that you put in your mouth. After you see the amount of food that you are consuming, you likely will want to cut back.

5. Keep busy at night. Nighttime binges are often the result of boredom. Pick up a hobby or exercise during the hours leading up to bedtime.

Tags: binge eaters, binge night, binge night have, everything that, have tendency, night have