Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Vinegar Home Remedy For Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infection symptoms include intense itching and burning in the genital area, a discharge which may vary in color and consistency from white and clumpy to yellow or clear and thin, and an odor reminiscent or beer or bread. As unpleasant as these symptoms are, the good news is this is one health concern which readily responds to home remedies, including douching with vinegar.

What kind of vinegar?

While some people suggest using white vinegar, alternative health experts caution that the highly acidic nature of this type of vinegar may actually encourage the infection. A higher quality apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, more closely matches the body's natural pH balance.

administer a vinegar douche

Buy a douche kit at the drugstore. You want just the equipment, not a commercial douche preparation. If you cannot find a douche kit, look for an enema kit, as the equipment is the same. Mix two tablespoons of cider vinegar with one quart of room temperature water. Using a funnel, pour the vinegar-water solution into the douche bag, then attach the nozzle. Be careful to hold the bag below the pelvis and to exert only slight pressure on the bag as you want to flush out the vaginal canal only and not push the solution up through the cervix into the uterus. Douching is an excellent way to cleanse when you have an infection, but regular douching can actually destroy the healthy pH balance in the body. Do not douche when you do not have an infection.

Other home remedies

If you do not have cider vinegar, you can also douche using tea tree oil or hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon to 1 quart water). You can also try vaginal supposities: a peeled clove of garlic wrapped in gauze or cheesecloth, or a teaspoon of yogurt injected into the vagina using a tampon application (you will want to wear a sanitary napkin if using the yogurt option).

Tags: cider vinegar, have infection, home remedies, when have, when have infection