Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Classroom Assessment Tools For Medical Terminology

At medical school, like-minded individuals work together to learn medical terminology and information.

Medical terminology is an area of study both in nursing school and in any medical degree field. You might also find medical terminology in other study programs such as medical transcription programs, assistant programs and clerical programs. The assessment tools for medical terminology are the tools used in the classroom setting to assess the knowledge of the students. There are several tools that instructors can use to make sure their students have the correct medical terminology knowledge.

Quizzes and Tests

Quizzes and tests are one of the ways you can assess your students' understanding of medical terminology. You can have multiple choices quizzes and tests in which students choose the corresponding terms or the corresponding definitions. You can also have fill-in-the-blank quizzes and tests in which students are given a definition and must fill in the correct term. Or you can have short answer or essay questions in which students are given a term and must describe it or provide the definition for it.

Terminology Questions

You can also assess terminology knowledge through oral questions. The instructor can stand in front of the class and recite the definition, then ask students for the term. Or the instructor can list terms on the board and have students go around the room and define them orally. Although this puts students on the spot as far as answering questions goes, it also helps them demonstrate their knowledge.

Flash Cards

Many students use flash cards to study medical terminology. You can also use flash cards as assessment tools. Create cards with the terms on one side and the definitions on the other side. Show the cards to students and have them recite what is listed on the other side. If you keep a stack of the current terms handy, this is something you can do for a few minutes at the end of each class meeting to continually assess students' knowledge of terminology.


Students can show you what they know during classroom demonstrations. Medical terminology for medical tools, for instance, is demonstrated when you ask for a particular tool and a student must hand it to you. Or you can hold up an item like a tool or a model of a part of the body and ask a student to describe it or give its name. You can have students participate in procedures using your classroom materials and have them state the names of the items out loud as they use them. This lets you know how much they remember.

Tags: medical terminology, medical terminology, which students, assessment tools, have students, have them, Medical terminology