Monday, November 7, 2011

Increase Breathing Capacity

Playing an instrument like the tuba requires proper breathing technique.

Breathing capacity is important to overall well being. There are certain activities and exercises that will assist in increasing a person's breathing capacity, prevent volume loss of the lungs and improve the overall efficiency of the lungs.

Cardiovascular Exercise

To keep the respiratory system strong and increase breathing capacity, regular exercise is important. When a person moves constantly, such as during cardiovascular exercise, the need for oxygen increases as does the rate of breathing. This challenge to the lungs and heart will result in an increased breathing capacity.

Playing Instruments

Playing instruments such as the tuba, saxophone, clarinet or flute will also assist in increasing lung and breathing capacity. When done with proper breathing technique, playing these instruments helps a person to learn control their breathing and breathe at full capacity. Singing is also beneficial and provides the same results.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are beneficial in many ways including increasing lung capacity. A simple breathing technique that will increase lung capacity is Breathe Hold and Coughing. Simply inhale, slowly and deeply. Hold the breath for approximately 10 seconds, and cough gently while releasing the breath.

Tags: breathing technique, assist increasing, breathing capacity, increasing lung, lung capacity, proper breathing