Friday, September 10, 2010

Treat Tracheitis

Tracheitis is a common infection that is caused by bacterial buildup in the trachea and can cause airway obstruction. Tracheitis is most common in children and can cause discomfort and pain. Treating tracheitis is important so the condition does not worsen.


Treat Tracheitis

1. Have the infection checked out by a doctor. Although tracheitis is not fatal, the infection can be considered a serious medical condition. The doctor will help you treat tracheitis so that you can recover quickly.

2. Take the proper medication. The infection can be treated with different medications such as penicillin or other antibiotics. Find out what is causing your tracheitis and take the proper medicine to treat it.

3. Intubate the airway. Because the airway becomes blocked, tracheitis can be treated through endotracheal intubation. This should be performed in controlled circumstances by someone skilled in the procedure.

4. Get some fresh air. Tracheitis can be treated by sitting outside in the cold air. This will help to clear the airways and make breathing more comfortable.

5. Monitor the breathing. Tracheitis can be cured if prompt treatment is received. Monitoring the breathing of the person inflicted with the infection will help to determine if the treatment is working.

6. Take cough medicine. Tracheitis can develop and worsen as a person’s cough worsens. Take cough medicine to control the cough and, over time, treat tracheitis.

Tags: will help, cough medicine, Take cough, Take cough medicine, Treat Tracheitis