Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Buteyko Treatment For Asthma

The Buteyko Method treats asthma and other respiratory disorders without any side effects.

The Buteyko Method is a system of breathing retraining and education developed by a Russian respiratory physician and scientist, Konstantin Buteyko. In addition to asthma, the Buteyko Method treats sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), emphysema, high blood pressure, panic attacks, anxiety, sinusitis, hyperventilation, hay fever, chronic cough, snoring, insomnia and breathlessness.

Asthmatics treated with the Buteyko Method have experienced significant reductions in the use of or the elimination of asthma relievers and preventative medications, as well as asthma attacks and symptoms.

Buteyko Method

The Buteyko Method teaches individuals to supplement his medical treatments with Buteyko skills and exercises by providing insight on the entire disease etiology and treatment spectrum.

In addition, there are no herbs, vitamins, special diets, equipment or medication involved with Buteyko Treatment. Solely based on breathing skills and an understanding of a condition's physiology, Buteyko is not a cure for asthma or other conditions. Nonetheless, it offers individuals the choice of being able to control their conditions and associated symptoms.

Buteyko Workshops

The Buteyko technique is taught over the course of five to six days as 90-minute to three-hour daily sessions. This method can be taught to children 4 years and older to those in their eighties.

These didactic workshops integrate observation and examination of each participant's condition and breathing, teach the root physiological cause of a condition and the effect it has on breathing and the evaluation of the Buteyko Method theory and treatment application on the condition.

More important, the Buteyko Method teaches individuals to supplement her medical treatments with Buteyko skills and exercises by providing insight on the entire disease etiology and treatment spectrum. For instance, in the asthma workshops, individuals learn the physiological cause of asthma, the respective effect it has on abnormal breathing, the medical treatment guidelines set forth by a qualified medical body such as the National Institutes of Health, the necessity of correctly using medication, in addition to the Buteyko Method skills necessary for an asthma-free life.

Furthermore, there have not been any side effects associated with the Buteyko Method to date, and instructors offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Buteyko & Asthma

The Buteyko Method's premise for asthma treatment is based on the notion that chronic hyperventilation leads to an imbalance in carbon dioxide and oxygen levels, thus causing the asthma symptoms. Many asthmatics are unaware that they are constantly hyperventilating and breathing twice or three times more than their metabolic needs. In addition, according to Dr. Andrey Novozhilov, a former Buteyko Method instructor, Buteyko breathing exercises are based on a new understanding of how asthma develops.

Through education and breathing exercises, the Buteyko Method treats asthma by teaching and retraining asthmatics to breathe normally, and control and reduce the frequency of their asthma symptoms. According to Dr. Simon D Bowler, the lead investigator for a clinical study in in 1995 that evaluated the impact of Buteyko on asthma, more than 90 percent of the asthmatics who participated in a Buteyko workshop came off their asthma reliever medications, such as Ventolin and Albuterol within one week of learning the Buteyko Method.

Initially, workshop instructors review the National Institutes of Health guidelines for asthma management and the correct use of their asthma medication. Practice and homework are daily components of the workshop. The workshop begins with attendees learning the history of Buteyko, basic breathing exercises, physiology of asthma and other breathing disorders.

Throughout the workshop, attendees continue to practice previously taught exercises and key learnings review factors such as food that affect breathing, discuss the role of asthma's secondary conditions such as colds, flu and hyperventilation attacks and identify solutions in which asthmatics may regress to their older habits.

Tags: Buteyko Method, with Buteyko, asthma other, breathing exercises, Buteyko Method treats