Friday, March 11, 2011

Know Whether I'M Fertile Or Not

Stay in touch with your body to know the best time to try for a baby -- or not.

Most women don't stop to think about their fertility until it really matters -- when they become pregnant or are trying to get pregnant. And for most women, that's just fine. Still, when it does matter, it's helpful to know which signs and symptoms mean you're on the right track. While checking off the items on this list will not guarantee you're fertile, they are a good place to start -- even if the ending leads to the doctor's office.


1. Get your period regularly. The first and simplest sign of fertility is a regular and predictable period. Your cycle doesn't have to be a perfect 28-day rhythm, but it should be consistent within a few days each month.

2. Check your temperature. A woman's basal body temperature goes up a tiny bit each month when she ovulates, and it stays that way until she gets her period. Take your temperature with a basal body thermometer -- you'll want a basal-specific one with at least one decimal place -- each morning for several months to track your cycles.

3. Watch your mucus. Vaginal secretions, also known as mucus, change throughout a woman's cycle. Clear, sticky mucus that resembles egg whites is common when a woman is fertile.

4. Get PMS. Strange as it may seem, classic signs of premenstrual syndrome such as breast tenderness, cramping and bloating are all indications that you're ovulating.

5. Use an over-the-counter ovulation kit. While they aren't cheap, OTC ovulation tests can be very accurate at predicting fertility. Find the kits at most drugstores, typically located near pregnancy tests and feminine hygiene products.

Tags: basal body, each month, your temperature