Thursday, June 23, 2011

Use Acupressure Points During Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a joyous moment in a woman's life, it also brings on a number of annoying health conditions that are temporary but uncomfortable. Using acupressure can naturally help a woman deal morning sickness, indigestion, swelling, nausea and other issues associated with pregnancy. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique that is founded in on the principles of acupuncture. The difference is that with acupressure finger pressure is used instead of needles. The purpose of acupressure is to help activate and stimulate the body’s own energies so that your body can fight illness and restore inner harmony. If there is one time in a woman’s life when restoring inner harmony is essential is during pregnancy. Acupressure can help alleviate a number of common pregnancy issues that most woman deal with.


1. There is an acupressure point that is known as the Neiguan or P6 which is found above the wrist on the inside of the forearm. By stimulating this pressure point nausea and vomiting related to morning sickness. There are also acupressure wristbands that are inexpensive that can be worn all day and provide immediate benefits. There is a pressure point in the collarbone and in the ankle that will help alleviate nausea and dehydration.

2. Visit an acupressure specialists to help relieve the pain that is caused by the pressure on the sciatic nerve that sends pain down your legs. The pressure points are located in the waist.

3. Acupressure can also be used to deal with the swelling that many pregnant women are faced with. A certified acupressure therapists can show you and your partner where the to apply pressure along the meridians that deal with the lymph ducts of the body. This will stimulate circulation which will help reduce swelling as well as the risk of preeclampsia.

4. Use the inner gate pressure points. These are found in the middle of inner side of the forearm about two and one half finger widths below the crease of the wrist. Use these pressure points to help get rid of many of the discomforts of pregnancy such as nausea, insomnia, indigestion and anxiety.

5. The heavenly pillar pressure point is found one half inch below the base of the skull, on the ropy muscles one half inch away from the spine. These pressure points will help pregnant women find relief from: stress, insomnia, exhaustion, stiff neck, swollen eyes and head congestion.

6. The third eye point is found between the eyebrows. It is the indentation in the face where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. This pressure point will relieve many of the glandular imbalances pregnant women experience, as well as taking care of indigestion, hay fever, and headaches

7. The womb and vitals pressure points are one to two finger widths outside of the sacrum and midway between the top of the hipbone and the base of the butt. The sacrum is the large bony area at the base of the spine. Pressure applied here will help relieve pelvic tension, hip pain caused by pregnancy, lower back aches, constipation and urinary problems.

Tags: pressure points, pressure point, will help, deal with, pregnant women, finger widths, half inch