Monday, May 7, 2012

Stop Angina Pain Home Remedies

Do you feel like Fred Sanford when he says "It's the big one" and it isn't? Here are some simple tips to Stop that Angina Pain.


1. Get a new perspective on life. With a good outlook and the desire to live a healthy life, the other necessary changes will come easier.

2. Stop Smoking. This is the most important thing you will ever do for yourself. Smoke increases blood levels of carbon monoxide, which displaces oxygen. Since angins is an artery-clogged heart crying out for oxygen, smoking is truly the worst thing you can do. Cigarette smoke also makes your blood platelets stick together, further blocking your partly blocked arteries.

3. Less is best when eating. This means eat less salt, less fat, less calories. Eating just one fatty, salty, can cause an angina attack because it raises your blood pressure suddenly.

4. Exercise is important and angina is no reason not to exercise. Even though angina pain is sometimes triggered by exercise, you should still work out regularly. Exercise helps improve blood flow to the heart, and also relieves the stress that helps trigger angina attacks.

5. Learn to relax. There are a lot of simple techniques to relaxing. Try meditation. It is very important for you to let go of the things in life that stress you out. There is no simple way to do this but it can be done. Try to clear your mind and just not think of anything at all. Watch how you breath. A lot of people hold their breath when they are upset and don't even realise it. Try blowing bubbles if you cannot control your breath. This will help you breath evenly.

6. If you get angina attacks when you are in bed, try sitting up on the edge of the bed with your feet on the floor.

7. Take an aspirin each day.

8. Try tilting your bed up 3 or 4 inches.

9. Try using vitamins A, C and E. These are three nutrients that have been found to help prevent or control angina.

Tags: angina attacks, Angina Pain, There simple, your blood