Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What Causes Muscle Tears


Torn muscles are caused through sprains or strains to the muscle tissue. There are two types of muscles tears. A sprain is a specifically tear to the ligament, fibrous tissue that connects bones. Common ligature sprains are in the knees and ankles. A strain is the tearing or stretching of muscle tissue or tendons.

Common Causes

The most common cause for muscle tears occur from strenuous activity, particularly when the ligaments and muscles are pulled or strained. This can include everything from landing badly on an ankle or walking or exercising on uneven surfaces. This type of injury generally causes sprains in knees or ankles. Strains, or tears to the muscles or tendons, occur from traumatic injuries, such as a slip or fall. Strenuous activity, such as lifting heavy weight without even distribution in the body or any kind of repetitive activity, can also cause strains, particularly in the back, neck, or shoulders.

Risk Factors

Some common risk factors for muscle tears occur when a person does not regularly work out or overuses ligaments and muscles due to strenuous or repetitive activity. Other risk factors, such as poor conditioning or health, lack of exercise, lack of flexibility, the use of poor equipment or the lack of adequate rest, can put someone at a greater risk for muscle tears.

Age, Gender, Lifestyle Risks

Other risk factors can occur from age, gender, and lifestyle. The older someone gets the more likely he will incur muscle tears. This is because the aging process includes decreased strength and flexibility. But, regardless of age, anyone who exercises regularly is less likely to experience muscle tears. Women are more likely to incur sprains in the knee, while children are also vulnerable to muscle tears, likely because of a lack of strength and because of overuse. Anyone who is active in sports will have a greater potential to suffer from sprains and strains.

Tags: muscle tears, occur from, risk factors, knees ankles, ligaments muscles