Monday, October 26, 2009

Eating Cucumber To Help Pms Acne

Cucumbers can help to lessen acne caused by PMS.

It's a well-known fact, that because of the relationship between hormones, menses and acne, that this skin condition is more prevalent than ever during "that" time of the month. While there are many medical remedies, you might be surprised to find that there is a simple home remedy in your own refrigerator.

Cucumber Helps Detoxify

A number of alternative medical therapies link both acne and PMS to your diet. For example, according to naturopathic medicine, acne and PMS are both caused by a buildup of toxic chemicals leftover by undigested refined sugars and starches in the body. By cleansing these toxins from the colon, liver, kidneys and blood, a person can manage their PMS and clarify the skin. One of the best methods for cleansing is to drink plenty of water and consume organic, raw fruits and vegetables and one of the best choices of these raw veggies is a cucumber.

Why Cucumber?

Cucumbers act as a diuretic, which help to move more water through the kidneys and flush the toxins out of them, thereby ensuring they work more efficiently clean out the blood. Cucumbers also contain choline, a water soluble nutrient that is part of the vitamin B complex. Choline aids in the production of hydrochloric acid, which helps to digest food and also helps to detoxify the liver.

Eating Cucumbers

Don't prepare your cucumber by cooking it as it loses vitamins this way. Instead, eat it raw in salads or sandwiches. A great cucumber salad combines cucumbers, a little bit of olive oil and vinaigrette dressing. You don't have to eat cucumber straight. If you get bored with salads or sandwiches, juice the cucumber and drink it. For a refreshing cucumber beverage, combine cucumber juice, mint and ginger.

Tags: salads sandwiches