Monday, March 29, 2010

Recognize Lichen Planus

Our skin is the largest organ in the human body. Its function is amazing and some of its role is protecting the body by guarding against bacteria, inflammation and protection. Medicine has not yet unraveled what causes this dermatological disease. Yet, there are many factors that are thought to set off Lichen Planus. These can include stress, an immune disorder and some forms of hepatitis. Allergic reaction to certain medications, dyes and other chemicals can be the cause. Here are a few signs that your skin rash is most likely Lichen Planus.


1. You may notice bumps that appear suddenly or they may have a gradual onset. Lichen Planus usually can be spotted on the ankles, back, neck, legs and wrists. The mouth, hair and genital area may also be affected.

2. Bumps may appear single or may present in groups. Bumps are described as scaly, shiny, flat in appearance and range from purple to red in color.

3. Bumps are usually 2 cm to 4 cm in size and have clearly defined borders. The mucous membranes can also be affected by Lichen Planus. If Lichen Planus is in the oral area, you will notice grayish to white dots or streaks. This rash can appear on the sides of your tongue or on the sensitive sides of your cheek. This may make you miserable because your mouth will feel sore and irritated. Your sense of taste can be affected and you may notice a metallic taste. For some, Lichen Planus begins in the oral region first.

4. Your scalp may be be red, irritated and sore. You will have hair loss and your hair can also begin to thin.

5. Lichen planus can also make its home in your fingernails. If this is the case, your nails may be prone to splitting, thinning and nail ridges. In some cases, you may lose the entire nail. Sometimes, the nail is able to recover and other times this damage is permanent.

6. The severe itching of this rash can make you miserable.

7. Ages most likely to have Lichen Planus are men and women that are between the ages of 30-years-old and 70-years-old. Those that have lichen Planus, may have a second episode.

8. After the bumps have healed, you may notice a brown-like coloring to the skin. This dark discoloration may diminish as time goes by.

Tags: Lichen Planus, Lichen Planus, also affected, make miserable, most likely, sides your