Monday, October 17, 2011

Start Your Day Without Caffeine

Sometimes it can feel like the only way to wake up in the morning is with a warm cup of coffee. The heat, the caffeine rush--it’s a great way to start the day. But the up in the morning can make you crash in the afternoon. And too much caffeine during the day can adversely affect your concentration, stress levels and sleep. Following are some tips to help you start the day without caffeine.


1. Stretch it out. While you sleep, your circulation slows and your muscles stiffen. Tumbling out of bed too quickly can shock your system and even lead to injuries. When you wake up, take a minute to breathe deeply and stretch all your major muscles. This will help your muscles warm up, increase your circulation and help you feel more awake.

2. Hydrate. Instead of reaching for a cup of coffee or tea, have a cup of water instead. Your body dehydrates during the night and this can make you feel extra tired in the morning. Drinking caffeinated drinks can exacerbate your dehydration. A cup of water first thing in the morning will hydrate you and help you wake up.

3. Eat well. The right fuel will help your body get moving. Have a healthy breakfast with lean protein like eggs, complex carbohydrates like oatmeal or quinoa along with some fruits or vegetables.

4. Get going. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. It works for atoms and it will work for you. Once you’re up, get started with your day. Check your to do list and start moving through it. It may take you a minute to get up to speed, but once you do, you’ll feel just as good and work just as well and all without the caffeine.

Tags: help your, take minute, will help, will help your, without caffeine, your circulation, your muscles