Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cedar As An Insect Repellent

Cedar trees are known for their deep red-colored wood.

Pests can be a big problem, and if you are averse to chemical-based products, the problem can be even worse. However, natural solutions do exist for repelling pests. Cedar can be used as a natural pest repellent both in wood form and as an oil extract. If you crave an eco-friendly and non-toxic solution to a pest problem in your home, garden or on your person, cedar is a great option.

Personal Use

Cedar oil can be used very effectively as a personal insect repellent. Insect like flies, mosquitoes and ticks will all be repelled by diluted cedar oil. A mixture of eight ounces of water and eight drops of cedar oil should be an effective mix for topical application. Cedar oil is very fragrant, so it is important not to make the mixture more potent than it needs to be. The cedar oil should work for one to two hours. Do not use cedar oil on clothing, as it can leave permanent stains.

Clearing Garden Pests

If you have a problem with aphids, ladybugs or other pests in your garden, you can use cedar mulch to help clear them out. Simply spread cedar mulch (or chips) around the perimeter of your garden, and change them out every four to six weeks. The strong fragrance will keep most small pests out of your garden. For stronger protection, place the mulch around specific plants you want to protect.

Pests Around the Home

If you have pests like roaches in your home, you can use cedar oil to help repel them. Fill a spray bottle with water and add a drop of cedar oil for every ounce of water in the bottle. Then spray the mixture around the house and on insects directly when you see them. The mixture should kill existing insects and will help keep new ones from coming into your home.

Dangers of Cedar Oil

Though cedar oil is non-toxic, there are some precautions you need to take. Pregnant women should not use cedar oil in any capacity, and it also is important to keep it away from individuals with asthma or other breathing problems. If you have pets in your home, cedar should not be used, as it can make pets very sick.

Tags: your home, cedar should, your garden, cedar mulch, Cedar used, home cedar, pests your