Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chigger Harm Humans

How Chiggars Make us Itch

Chiggers, otherwise known as red bugs, attach themselves to humans' skin. There is a common misconception that chiggers go under the skin, which has led to the home remedy of covering the red area with nail polish in an effort to suffocate the bugs. Instead, chiggers attach themselves to the host and inject a secretion that breaks down the skin cells. The red parasites then drink the cells. The secretions from the chigger contain enzymes that cause the irritation on the skin creating redness, itching and swelling.

Treatment of Chigger Bites

The best, and often most effective, treatment for chiggers is hot water and scrubbing. A thorough shower should be taken following activities in wooded or undeveloped areas where chiggers may be living. When the effects of the chigger bite are noticed, which may be up to 48 hours later, relief from the itching may be found in topical hydrocortisone creams, Benadryl ointment, or Calamine lotions. If the itching reaches the point where it interferes with activities, an oral dose of Benadryl may be effective. More severe itching and associated problems may require a more powerful steroid prescribed by a physician. The more the area is scratched, the greater the possibility of infection. Treating the area early can help to prevent this.

Avoiding Chiggers

Chiggers are most commonly found in woods, fields and more undeveloped areas. However, these areas may be found near homes or centers of outdoor activity. To help prevent the small red bugs from finding you attractive as their next meal, try using an insect repellent prior to activity. There are many different repellents that will prove effective, however, as some have an aversion to DEET and other chemicals. Take precaution when using and read all directions and warnings carefully. You may also want to avoid wearing sandals or flip-flops without socks, shorts and short-sleeve shirts. Remember that the more skin you have exposed the more enticing you are to chiggers.

Tags: attach themselves, help prevent, undeveloped areas