Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Easy To Assemble Inversion Tables

Inversion tables are devices used to perform inversion therapy on individuals who suffer from back pain. Inversion therapy involves hanging upside down or at an angle in order to stretch the joints and muscles. Inversion tables have a range of characteristics.

Ironman Gravity 1000 Inversion Table

The Ironman Gravity 1000 Inversion table is easy to assemble. It is also described as sturdy, comfortable and affordable. However, it is also rather heavy and some models do not fold.

Paradigm 100 Inversion Table System

This model is easy to assemble if you use the tools included with the shipment. It is also very sturdy, comfortable and generally easy to adjust. However, while assembly is easy once the directions become clear, the directions can be difficult to follow.

Calm Gravity Inversion Table

This model is easy to assemble. It is also lightweight and easy to store. However, it is difficult to climb in and out of the device and has been described by users as uncomfortable.

Tags: 1000 Inversion, assemble also, easy assemble, easy assemble also, Gravity 1000, Gravity 1000 Inversion