Monday, January 23, 2012

The Healing Powers Of Rose Quartz

A symbol of love and beauty, the rose quartz is an opaque to translucent quartz with a light pink to rosy-red color. It has been used for thousands of years for ornamental and religious purposes.

Balancing Stone

By balancing and healing the emotions, rose quartz helps to foster a sense of gentleness and peacefulness to those who wear it. It can also be used to help treat depression.

Enhances Sensitivity

Through enhancing inner awareness, rose quartz is associated with forgiveness and compassion.

For the Body

Rose quartz is said to help aid the kidneys, adrenals, genitals, liver, lungs and heart in their proper functioning. Some believe that rose quartz can increase fertility and aid in weight loss.

For the Heart Chakra

Helping to awaken a deeper sense of self-love, rose quartz helps to comfort and heal emotional wounds our heart has suffered. It helps to open our hearts to the possibility of romantic love.


Finding small rose quartz stones to purchase should be fairly easy. They can be carried in a pouch and placed in your pocket. If you decide to purchase rose quartz jewelry, consider wearing it in a necklace so that the stone will lie against your chest. Wearing the stone near your heart will keep the heart chakra stimulated and help you to become open to experiencing mutual and unconditional love.

Tags: rose quartz, quartz helps, rose quartz, rose quartz helps