Monday, July 4, 2011

Bring A Sugar Level Down Fast

Drinking water will help dilute sugar in the bloodstream.

If you have any form of diabetes you know that you never want your blood sugar to spike over 300 as it can severely harm your organs and the rest of your body. But things like diet, stress, illness and infection can cause your blood sugar levels to go temporarily out of whack. If your blood sugar level spikes past 300, see a doctor immediately if possible. If you have to wait to see a doctor or can't get to one, there are a few quick fixes you can do to get the level to drop.


1. Exercise vigorously for at least an half hour. If there is too much sugar in your blood stream, exercising will help use up some of that sugar and energy and thus your blood sugar level should go down. After working out for a half hour, use a blood sugar monitoring device to check your level again. If it still is not low enough, consider exercising for a longer period. Activities such as aerobics, jogging and doing jumping jacks are great cardiovascular exercises that get your heart rate up and burn energy fast.

2. Drink three to four glasses of water consecutively and urinate as soon as possible. Large amounts of water will help dilute the sugar in your blood stream and urinating will help flush some of the sugar out of your body. After drinking the water and urinating, test your blood sugar level again. Drink more water and repeat the process if your level is still not low enough. If possible, do this step in conjunction with step one as vigorous exercise requires you to hydrate your body and drink water.

3. Eat a collection of foods that are low on the glycemic index, or that will help bring you blood sugar level down. Foods like garlic, eggs, onions, peanuts and peanut butter are all low on the glycemic index and will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Eat scrambled eggs with chopped onions, a handful of peanuts or smear some peanut butter on celery sticks. For your daily diet it is best to balance foods that are high on the glycemic index with foods that are low (see Resources).

Tags: blood sugar, your blood, will help, your blood sugar, blood sugar level