Thursday, October 29, 2009

Deep Breathe To Lose Weight

Deep breathing will help your body burn fat.

Deep breathing can be a vital tool to losing weight. According to the Women to Women website, deep breathing facilitates weight loss and enhances the benefits of any form of exercise. This includes its value as a "great first step for women just beginning an exercise plan." With the right control, technique and knowledge, deep breathing can help you lose weight, and, as a bonus, it can also boost energy, improve bodily functions and help you think more clearly.


1. Choose the best time for your schedule.

Choose the right time to practice deep breathing. Setting aside time in the morning will jump start your day, and choosing to practice during the afternoon will provide a relaxing break. Avoid practicing when you are tired or right before bedtime. You will need to be attentive and stable to deep breathe.

2. Pick a room that will remain peaceful and unoccupied.

Go to a quiet area, and make sure you will not be disturbed.

3. It is important to keep your back straight.

Lay down your mat or blanket on the floor. You will lie down flat on your back, or sit up straight. Keep your back straight to allow your lungs to fully expand. Do not slouch. If you feel uncomfortable, use a pillow underneath your head or feet.

4. Make your abdomen rise and fall with each breath.

Lay both of your hands on top of your abdomen. Breathe in and out a few times. You may notice your chest is only rising and falling, while your abdomen stays still. This means you are not deep breathing. For your next breath, you will take air into your body deeply. Focus on making your abdomen swell and then deflate with oxygen. You will make the muscles of your abdomen contract and work. Using your abdomen to deep breathe will make it an aerobic exercise. According to Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP, aerobic exercise "burns fat for energy rather than using up the cells' energy supplies."

5. Expand your chest and abdomen as you inhale through your nose. Hold this breath for 8 seconds. Then, slowly exhale for 9 seconds. Make sure your abdomen muscles are working as you are deep breathing. Stay relaxed throughout this process. When your body is stressed it will not burn fat; it will burn glycogen instead.

6. Contract your abdominal muscles at the end of exhalation to expel all the air out of your body.

7. Deep breathing will help you lose weight and relax.

Continue deep breathing until you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. You will deep breath at least five times. You have begun to lose weight by deep breathing.

Tags: your abdomen, deep breathing, your body, back straight, lose weight, your back