Monday, April 26, 2010

Crack An Ankle

The ankle is a joint that many people overlook when stretching their body, but a good ankle stretch can feel great and rejuvenate your whole body. If your ankle is feeling tight and you have an urge to crack it like you would your knuckles, try a few good ankle stretches. Your ankle joint may make cracking noises, but unless the motion is painful, there's nothing to worry about.


1. Stand up straight and raise one knee as high as you can. Hold your knee up to your chest with your arms.

2. Point your foot as much as you can. Hold your foot in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

3. Stand up straight and extend one leg out in front of you with your foot held about 6 inches off of the ground. Pull your toes back as much as you can. Hold your foot in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

4. Bend your legs with your feet crossed under you as you sit on the ground. Pick one foot up and place it on top of the opposite knee in a kind of half lotus position.

5. Place one hand on top of your ankle, and grasp your foot with the other hand. Guide your foot in circular rotations first in one direction, then reversing in the other direction.

6. Switch feet and repeat. If desired, you can also repeat the pointing and pulling back of your toes in this seated position. Use your hand to help extend the stretch beyond what you were able to do with just your foot.

Tags: your foot, Hold your, with your, ankle joint, foot this