Friday, March 9, 2012

Tone Arms With Yoga

Though commonly thought of as a series of stretching and balancing exercises for the body, yoga is the practice of bringing yourself in balance both spiritually and physically. In this process you can gain both strength of mind and tone in your limbs, including your arms.


Begin a Routine With Eagle Arms

1. Start your yoga routine with the exercise called Eagle Arms. It is a beginning exercise designed to stretch and build balance.

2. Stand in the mountain pose with your feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders high, your bottom tucked under and the top of your head reaching toward the sky.

3. Lift your arms to shoulder height and stretch them out to the sides. Bring them in front of you and, at the elbows, cross your left arm over your right arm.

4. Bend your elbows, bringing your forearms and hands toward your face. Turn your palms so they face each other and point your fingertips toward the sky.

5. Move your elbows in small, clockwise circles, moving your arms and shoulders but keeping the rest of your body still and planted.

6. Release the pose by untwisting your arms and stretching them back out to your sides at your shoulders.

7. Reverse the process, placing your right arm over your left this time.

Work on Arm Balance

8. Create stronger balance and tone your wrists and forearms by doing Tittibhasana, the Firefly Pose. This pose takes some practice to maintain, but even beginners can attempt it safely. As you build up strength it will become easier.

9. Stand with your legs widely apart, bend your knees and place your palms flat on the floor. You should be in a modified squat position in which your hands are just inside your feet and your feet are shoulder-width apart.

10. Spread your fingers and place your hands so that they are under your upper thighs. Bend your elbows back slightly.

11. Shift your weight back slowly so that your upper thighs are resting on your upper arms. Keeping your bottom out behind you instead of tucked underneath you will insure that if you should fall, you will land sitting instead of sprawled.

12. Straighten your legs out in front of you as your arms support your upper thighs. Ideally, your palms will be the only part of your body touching the ground as you are in the Firefly pose, as the rest of your body is lifted into the air and balanced in a sitting position.

13. Maintain the pose as long as possible and then slowly release it.

Build Arm Strength

14. Work on arm tone with the Four-Limbed Staff (or Plank) exercise.

15. Assume the Table pose. On all fours, put your hands under your shoulder and your knees under your hips.

16. Place your body into a position much like that you would use to do push-ups. Inch your knees backwards so that they are behind your hips, rise up onto the balls of your feet and raise your bottom toward the sky.

17.Straighten your body. Press your forearms and hands down into the mat, pulling your abdominal muscles up toward your spine and pushing your hipbones toward the floor. Hold this position for 5 slow breaths.

18. Challenge yourself by lowering yourself toward the ground by a few inches. Keep your plank-like pose, only bending your elbows to maneuver your body. This will be very difficult, perhaps not even possible for beginners, so don't become frustrated if you can't do this right away.

Tags: your body, your arms, under your, your elbows, your feet