Thursday, December 19, 2013

Treat Bronchiectasis

A condition caused by excessive buildup of mucus within the respiratory tract, bronchiectasis causes blockages in the respiratory airways. This blockage makes the airways enlarge and stretch. As time passes a respiratory infection develops due to the excessive mucus.


1. Get a referral to a pulmonologist, a doctor who treats lung disorders. Make a list of questions that you want to ask the doctor about best care for yourself while dealing with this disorder.

2. Take breathing treatments with medications called bronchodilators. These medications help to open the breathing airways. Use either a nebulizer or an inhaler to administer these treatments. Steroidal medications also help to reduce any swelling of the respiratory airways.

3. Ask your doctor to prescribe medications such as expectorants and mucus thinners. These help clear and loosen any mucus in your lungs.

4. Seek additional help from a respiratory therapist. The therapist may perform chest physical therapy involving a vigorous clapping on the chest and back to help dislodge mucus in the lungs.

5. Understand that if you have severe bronchiectasis, your doctor may advise you to have surgery such as a lung volume reduction to remove small areas of damaged lung tissue. This may help to prevent reoccurrences.

6. Learn what you can do to prevent flareups of bronchiectasis. This can include lifestyle changes, medication usage and regular exercise.

Tags: respiratory airways, your doctor