Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Aorta Aneurism Symptoms

The aorta is the largest artery in the body, running from the heart down the back of the body and distributing great quantities of blood to smaller vessels throughout the body. An aortic aneurysm is a dangerous bulging and burst of the aorta vessel's membrane. If an aneurysm forms, the body loses blood quickly, and emergency services are needed immediately to avoid death. If an aneurysm rupture, a massive loss of internal bleeding occurs, requiring immediate medical attention.

Abdominal Pulsing

For patients who have aortic aneurysms growing in the abdominal area, an increased pulse can be felt near the naval. There is usually associated abdominal pain and tenderness in the naval area.

Back Pain

Because the aorta runs along the back, the pain is inappropriately associated with typical back pain.

Loss of Blood Flow to Extremities

Because the aorta feeds the major vessels in the arms and legs, numbness and swelling occurs in those parts of the body.

Shortness of Breath

Blood loss to the lungs or heart affects breathing. Patients with aortic aneurysms may feel fatigue, dizziness and have trouble breathing.


Pain is a sign that the aneurysm has ruptured. Pain in the extremities, back or abdomen is a sign of rupture, and emergency services are needed immediately. The heart will compensate for a drop in pressure by increasing its beat. Accordingly, a rapid pulse will be a tell-tale sign of a ruptured aneurysm.

Tags: aortic aneurysms, back pain, Because aorta, emergency services, emergency services needed, needed immediately