Monday, May 24, 2010

Blood Sugar Reducing Tea

There are many medications that can be prescribed to reduce blood sugar levels. Most of these medications are expensive and come with a long list of side effects. Instead of paying high prices and experiencing side effects that have nothing to do with your blood sugar, consider some tea remedies that reduce blood sugar and relax the body.

Black Tea

Studies have shown that black tea has the ability to keep blood sugar levels steady, preventing spikes. Studies conducted in England have found that 1 gram of black tea (about one cup of brewed tea) will reduce blood sugar levels and prevent highs and lows through the day. On top of blood sugar reduction, black tea is also known for its cancer-fighting properties, as well as reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Do not add milk to any kind of tea, as studies show milk will destroy the blood sugar-reducing properties, making the tea useless in stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Green Tea

The antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) is known to enhance insulin levels, which causes a reaction that will reduce blood sugar levels. EGCG is most commonly found in green tea. Drinking green tea throughout the day will stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing highs and lows that sometimes occur among diabetics.

Oolong Tea

A study in Taiwan found that oolong tea reduces blood sugar levels. In the study, participants drank one-and-a-half quarts of oolong tea per day. Oolong tea also contains EGCG, which increases insulin production in the body. Any of these teas can be consumed warm or cool, the temperature of the tea does not make a difference.

Tags: blood sugar, blood sugar levels, sugar levels, reduce blood, reduce blood sugar, found that