Friday, September 9, 2011

Recover From Breast Reduction

Reduction mammaplasty is the medical term for breast reduction surgery, a procedure that removes some of the glands and fat tissue of the breasts. Breast reduction is considered a cosmetic procedure, but in many cases is performed to alleviate back pain experienced by women with large breasts. Recovery from a breast reduction may take as long as three months.


1. Rest in bed for one to two days after your breast reduction to recover from the anesthesia and the procedure itself. Some women may be hospitalized for a breast reduction, while others may have the surgery as an outpatient. Regardless of whether you are in the hospital or at home, rest is key in the earliest stages post-surgery.

2. Get up and walk within a few days of your surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots, states the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Your breasts will be bandaged at this point, but that should not prevent you from some easy walking.

3. Take medication to ease the pain you are feeling. Your doctor may give you a prescription painkiller immediately following surgery, but within a week, an over-the-counter analgesic such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be sufficient.

4. Wear a sturdy support bra to aid in your breast reduction recovery. You will have been given a bra in the hospital; wear it for at least three weeks post-surgery. The bra helps support the breasts, which will be swollen, bruised and painful if bumped accidentally. Avoid adding to the pain and pressure by wearing only soft-cup bras for a month after surgery (no underwire).

5. Limit your physical activities once you are home and feeling better. Women who have had breast reduction surgery and do not have physically demanding jobs may be able to return to work two to three weeks after surgery, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. Heavy lifting, exercising and other vigorous physical activities should be limited for the first four weeks post-surgery.

6. Schedule followup appointments with your doctor to assess your progress. Stitches are usually removed seven days after breast reduction. Followup appointments after four weeks, three months and six months can be used to discuss any concerns surrounding the return of sensation in the breasts, the shape of the breasts and your overall recovery.

Tags: breast reduction, after surgery, breast reduction, breast reduction surgery, days after, four weeks, physical activities