Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vitamins And Minerals To Increase Fertility

Thousands of couples each year experience infertility issues. These couples collectively spend millions of dollars attempting to pinpoint the source of their infertility and getting assistance becoming pregnant. However, there are a few simple options to explore before seeking expensive medical advice regarding infertility, including the use of vitamins.


Many infertility issues can be caused by a lack of proper nutrition. Supplementing daily nutrition with a supplement is one way to get deficient nutrients into the bloodstream. For example, many women have mild anemia, which may inhibit pregnancy, that can be treated simply through an iron supplement. Many times simple supplements such as these can increase fertility.


Vitamin B6 has long been known to enhance women's health. With respect to fertility, vitamin B6 increases the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, so there is a longer period of time between menstruation and ovulation, which prevents miscarriages. Between 100 and 200 mg is the recommended dosage for addressing luteal phase defects.

Males can also take vitamin supplements to increase fertility. Vitamins C and E are powerful antioxidants that can increase sperm count and potency, respectively. Vitamin C can also aid in sperm motility. Vitamin B12 can help balance testosterone, which is vital for sperm production. In addition, the minerals selenium and zinc can also increase sperm counts.


While folic acid is not known to increase fertility, it is an important compound to take in supplement form before conceiving. Studies have shown that women that take these supplements, or have high levels of folic acid circulating in their bodies before conception, have a lower incidence of neural tube defects, including spina bifida.


While increasing fertility may be accomplished by taking vitamin and mineral supplements, there is no true substitute for getting vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. Nutrients in food are absorbed better, since the foods also contain vitamin co-factors that help the body in getting the most out of the vitamins.


Taking too many vitamins or minerals may impair fertility--another good reason to get vitamins and minerals from food rather than supplements. Paracelsus, the father of toxicology, states that everything is a poison at some level. Thus, too much of any vitamin or mineral can be toxic and actually have the opposite of the desired effect. If a pregnancy does occur while taking excessive vitamins or minerals, the baby could be born with birth defects. So it is important to talk to a medical professional about dietary supplements if you're trying to conceive.


While taking vitamin and mineral supplements can increase fertility in some patients, there is no clear, scientific correlation between the two. If a couple suspects infertility, the best option is to visit a specialist.

Tags: vitamins minerals, increase fertility, vitamin mineral, folic acid, from food, increase sperm