Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Relieve Infant Gas Via Massage

Relieve infant gas with massage.

One of the most upsetting things confronting parents is a baby in pain. Gas pains can keep a baby from sleeping or even being quiet. Babies get gas from improper digestion, a failure to belch or gassy foods. You can relieve infant gas with massage to make your baby more comfortable and stop the abdominal pain so that your baby can get comfortable enough to sleep.


1. Put your baby on his back on a comfortable, padded surface. Lift his feet and move his legs in a pedaling motion to free up gas pressure in his stomach. This massage can be fun for your baby, so ham it up and hum or make noises to take his mind off the gas pain.

2. Rub your baby's stomach with your fingers. Trace simple shapes like letters or shapes and apply some pressure on her stomach, but don't press too hard -- little ones have tender bellies.

3. Hold your baby on your shoulder and rub his back. Alternate rubbing and patting to promote belching to relieve gas pressure that has built up in the stomach from swallowing, crying and so on.

Tags: your baby, infant with, infant with massage, pressure stomach, with massage