Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Identify Anisocoria

Anisocoria refers to a difference in size between a person's two pupils. While the effects of this difference can be innocuous, they can also be deadly. Here is tell if someone has this condition.


1. There are a number of psychopathological factors that can lead to anisocoria. The actual difference in size between the two pupils depends on the muscles in the two irises and their effects on the autonomous nervous system. This size difference will be the only visible symptom, although a fear of light (photophobia) and eye pain may also be associated with anisocoria.

2. If you notice a difference in the sizes of your pupils, you should contact your physician immediately. Anisocoria can be fatal when it is associated with Horner syndrome (with carotid dissection) or third-nerve palsy resulting from a rupture or expansion of an aneurysm.

3. Your physician will run several tests to see if anisocoria is the problem. To test for the condition, she will assess pupil size in both light and then dark, by shining a light from an oblique angle below the patient's face and using a handheld pupil gauge. The symmetry of the pupil responses is also an important factor.

Tags: associated with, difference size, difference size between, size between