Friday, November 8, 2013

Natural Treatment For Skin Problems For Dogs

Allergies, hot spots, raw patches, dry skin and other conditions can drive your dog and you crazy. All of that itching and scratching is not healthy and can easily be remedied through natural treatments, without chemicals or antibiotics. Keeping your dog's skin healthy helps to keep his whole body in good physical shape. Remember to consult your veterinarian before giving your dog any kind of herbal or natural supplement.

Healthy Diet

Many commercial dog foods have chemical preservatives, low-quality meat products and grain fillers that cause skin problems in dogs. Although dogs do require some fiber, they are carnivores and are designed to eat meat. Many skin issues can be resolved by switching to a raw diet supplemented with vegetables or a four-star or higher-rated dog food.

Wash with Vinegar

Have a dandruff problem? Using baking soda and vinegar at bath time will leave your pooch clean, without using a drying shampoo. Rub the baking soda into the fur and rinse with vinegar, then water.


Environmental allergies can cause itchy paws, skin infections and a host of other issues. While it is possible for dogs to be allergic to grass, dust and other human allergens, they can also have reactions to chemicals used in and around the home. Use a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water to clean surfaces in your home because commercial cleaners leave a residue that dogs can then lick off the floor or their paws. Also consider the use of neem oil spray as an alternative to flea medications. It will still protect against fleas and other insects and improves general skin health. It is safe for both humans and canines.

Fish Oil

High-quality fish oil can provide many benefits for dogs with skin problems. It improves ear infections, hot spots, itching, shedding and many other conditions while also regulating cholesterol, protecting the heart and providing other benefits. Fish oil is available in squeeze or pump bottles that make adding it to your dog's food simple.

Reduce Stress

Stress can manifest itself in many ways in humans, and the same goes for dogs. A stressed dog is likely to be less healthy overall and can develop skin problems for this reason alone. Dogs are man's best friends because they can sense emotions. If you are living a stressful, busy life, chances are that your dog is, too. Daily exercise can do wonders for all sorts of health conditions, including skin.

Tags: baking soda, other conditions, skin problems