Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Causes Allergies To Cats

The Symptoms

Cat allergies are tough for those who love cats but find themselves suffering with unbearable symptoms. These symptoms range from a runny nose to an itchy throat, coughing and watery eyes. Some people develop skin rashes and itching. Cat allergy sufferers cite varying degrees of allergy symptoms. It's unknown specifically why some people have cat allergies while others do not, but there are ways to minimize the symptoms associated with cat allergies as well as cat maintenance suggestions, which can reduce the symptoms in allergy sufferers.

The Culprit

Allergies to cats usually come because of cat dander, the actual skin that flakes off of cats. This dander can float in the air for hours, as well as found in bedding, sofas, and rugs. Dander can be a real irritant to those suffering with cat allergies. Another culprit that causes allergies to cats is their saliva and urine. The allergen that cats have in their dander and saliva is a protein. This protein is sticky and can therefore be carried on clothes and anywhere a cat has been present. The cat allergen can even be present up to 6 months after a cat is removed from a home.

Reducing Allergens

If you have a cat and don't want to give it up even though you have cat allergies, the key is to reduce allergens. Use HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) air filters and HEPA vacuum cleaners in your home. These will clean your air and surfaces throughout your home where your cat has been. Vacuum walls as well because cat hair and dander stick to the walls. Don't let your cats sleep where you sleep. This will reduce the cat dander in the bedroom and help you be less symptomatic at night and in the mornings.

There are products on the market that you can use on your cats to help reduce allergens, including Allerpet Solutions, Allersearch Pet Shampoo, Allersearch Anti-Allergen Dust Spray and washing your clothes in Allergen Wash. Always wash your hands after handling your cats and never touch your nose, eyes or mouth after petting cats. Place all litter boxes away from human contact, as much as possible, especially if someone has cat allergies. If all else fails, talk to your doctor about prescriptions that can help you deal with your cat allergies.

Tags: your cats, allergy sufferers, have allergies, reduce allergens, suffering with, with allergies