Friday, October 26, 2012

Causes Of Candida Skin Rash

The Balance is Upset

If you have a vaginal yeast infection or a nail bed infection, it could be a rash caused by candida. If your baby has a diaper rash, or if an elderly member of your family or someone with a compromised immune system develops a rash, this can be thrush, which is caused by candida. If any member of your family has a skin rash, it could be due to candidiasis, which occurs when the yeast-like fungal organisms in our intestinal tract, which are called candida albicans, are disrupted, according to Generally, the candida albicans are kept in line by our natural bodily bacteria, the good and helpful kind. But when this balance is upset for some reason, a rash can occur.

Medicine May Be The Culprit

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, candidiasis takes place when the normal amounts of candida overgrow. Antibiotics, some birth control pills and corticosteroids can cause this to happen. In addition, being overweight, having psoriasis, diabetes, a bacterial infection or being pregnant can cause the candida to go haywire.

How it Mainfests

The skin rash can manifest as patches or blisters, mostly confined in between the fingers and toes, under the breasts and in the groin area. If you are overweight, the rash is likely to develop in the folds of your skin. Oral thrush is indicated by painful cracks at the corners of the mouth.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly explains that "yeast" is the medical term for single-celled fungi. As noted above, most of the time the yeast we have in our bodies is helpful. Our immune systems, when working properly, and our good intestinal flora keep candida in line. When the balance is upset by stress or loss of the good bacteria, candida can multiply and can then turn into the fungal form. It tears the walls of the intestines and enters the blood flow. The yeast infection is transferred throughout the body and can show up as a yeast infection on the skin.


Toe candidal skin infection can be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or closed toe shoes, according to


A candida skin rash can be wet and sore. It can burn and itch or crack. It might be reddish-brown in color and can become crusty and start to ooze. It's possible to experience diarrhea, mood swings, fatigue, bad breath, bloating, blurry vision and a craving for carbs and sugar if you have a candida skin rash.

Bad Foods

There are certain foods and beverages that can disrupt the balance of the good flora and ramp up the candida, resulting in yeast infections. Those foods are refined carbohydrates, processed foods, alcohol and coffee.

Tags: skin rash, yeast infection, candida albicans, candida skin, caused candida, member your, member your family