Thursday, October 4, 2012


Dentures are replacement teeth for teeth that are missing, as a result of falling out or having to be pulled. Dentures are commonly worn mostly by older individuals. They are usually constructed out of metal and acrylic resin, a material very similar to plastic. Dentures are not permanent inside of the mouth, and therefore are removable.


There are two different types of dentures: partial dentures and complete (also referred to as "immediate") dentures. Partial dentures take the place of a few missing teeth, whereas complete dentures, unsurprisingly, replace every tooth in the mouth. They are both removable and made out of acrylic resin and metal.


Dentures are worn by individuals who have lost some or all of their teeth, usually from tooth decay, periodontal disease or injury. The reason for dentures is to benefit a person's appearance, because teeth help support facial muscles. Without the help of dentures supporting these muscles, the face would sag and make a person appear older than their years. Dentures also make eating (especially chewing) and speaking much easier.


Dentures need to be taken care of just like natural teeth do. They should be brushed twice daily to remove lingering food particles, as well as plaque build up. Brushing is a good way to prevent permanent staining from occurring as well. It is essential for mouth health. Toothbrushes with soft bristles work wonderfully for cleaning dentures, but there are also toothbrushes that are specifically designed for people with dentures.


There are several ways to avoid getting periodontal disease or tooth decay, which are both things that lead to having to get dentures, whether they are complete or partial. Floss your teeth daily, limit your intake of sugary soft drinks, brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride, and visit the dentist every 6 months for a routine cleaning and checkup appointment.


There are some disadvantages to having dentures. They definitely take a while to get used to, which is not surprising as you would have a whole new set of teeth in your mouth. People with dentures often have speech issues when they are getting used to them. Sores and other mouth irritations also can occur with dentures (these are usually caused by not removing your dentures enough or not cleaning them properly).

Tags: with dentures, acrylic resin, having dentures, periodontal disease, tooth decay, your teeth